Marietta Lyon


Marietta Lyon

More information about Marietta (Lyon) Johnson will be added in time. This website is a work-in-progress.

Father: Lewis Lyon
Mother: Abby Fordyce

Spouse: William Harvey Johnson (1805-1902) 

  • William Mapes Johnson
  • Nancy Johnson
  • Benjamin Pitcher Johnson
  • Nancy W. Johnson
  • James Goble Johnson
  • Philander Hartwell Johnson
  • Joseph Johnson
  • Rhoda Johnson (1848- ? )
  • Gilbert Johnson
  • Mary Johnson
  • Gilbert Johnson
  • Emily Jayne Johnson (1856-1949)
  • Hannah Johnson


  • 1815

    Born in Springfield, New Jersey, to Lewis and Abby (nee Fordyce) Lyon. 

  • 1830

    May 9 - Marries William Harvey Johnson in Springfield, New Jersey.

  • 1856

    March 1 - Daughter Emily born.

  • 1900

    Dies aged 85 years. Buried at Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Union, Union County, New Jersey. 

Last updated: 16 July 2023

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